"Formed in the spirit of dynamic growth, social
justice and intellectual pursuits."
It Started as a dream and now it's within reach. From a Family of farmers in Antipolo the Former Congressman Jose G. Solis experienced lack of educational support and with scarce resource made him realize that there is a need for extensive reform in his province.
He believed that children ought to be given the best and affordable education wherein it is conveniently situated near their homes. Now it stands here in his own land within the vicinity of Managanaga, Bulan.
SIT is a believer of good and attainable education a realistic and practical solution for the underprivileged even as a private Institution it continuously aims to support such. Tuition fees are affordable and modes are flexible but with a high success rate from the School's product within the last decade.
We, the Solisians of this Community, in the grace of Almighty, in order to be a role model and an inspiration to the youth must be able to dedicate our time in serving, learning and doing worthwile things, it shall be inculcated among us the true value of a Solisian, without undermining the primordial obligation of being a Filipino citizen, Under the rule of law of our beloved Country and our own Policies In justice, obedience, spirituality and empathy do we adhere to try and achieve our educational growth while being a Bonafide Solisian!
SOLIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, an educational institution committed to provide affordable, good quality education producing Skillful, Improved, Tenacious and God fearing individual.
SIT hopes & envisions a Solisian community to be:
SIT hopes and envisions a lifelong pursuit to knowledge towards intellectual advancement undeterred by social transformation and fortified through good stewardship and inimitable educational journey in the Solisian Community.
SIT is committed:
SIT is committed to provide a balanced quality education for academic excellence cognizant of their own perfection through innovation, enhanced learning and training development relevant to social skills and ethical values while being a law-abiding citizen of our community and gain a sense of truth as we face the new normal on this diverse-living environment.
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Also to inculcate to the students the Core value of being:
S- selfless
I- idealistic
T- trustworthy
B- basic
U- useful
L- leading
A- academic
N- nationalistic
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"sol solis ut fulsi trans profundum"
the sun that shines across the depth/ sea
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Section 2. Institutional Goals
To Serve students with equal opportunity and develop individualism:
By guiding them in achieving a higher self-realization as persons;
By being spiritual respecting one another and being able to openly express their own faith,;
By creating opportunities for them to be able to finish their studies such as scholarship grants for academically excellent student and even those belonging to the indigenous groups;
By creating opportunities that will enable them to dedicate themselves to a deeper commitment to the Solisian community and the world.
To Inculcate to the students a standard knowledge & develop their capabilities:
By training them using the standard academic guidelines afforded by the DepEd, CHED, TESDA through the teaching skills of qualified professors;
By making them undergo examinations, quizzes, test, seat works, assignments, projects, documentations, research, and other schoolwork to enhance their experience and knowledge not only in academic problem solving and situation but also abrupt circumstances while under pressure.
By teaching them the value of tenacity and hard work to become stronger and strive to be a goal-oriented person with humility and dignity.
To Teach the students in performing Solisian & Societal obligations:
By exposing the students with different extra-curricular activities and even events in and out of this Institution;
By having apathy towards a sound community by doing free services, charity & programs within the Municipality;
By providing at least the minimum requirement for facilities and an ambiance conducive for learning.
From DICS (Datamaster Incorporated Computer School) which is an exclusive computer crash course with a population of 3 students it grew gradually. Still with the help of our pioneer employees such as Dean Garcia, Ma'am Bobis, Ma'am Ofrcaio, Ma'am Amy, Sir Dennis Chua, Sir Gaspi of course with the Administrator Ma'am Novie Golimlim actually are the very foundation of our Institution. What began as an experimental venture is now a firm, reliable and trusted institution. It is Founded on January 15th the very date of the birth of the person who made it possible the Chairman himself, Joey Solis.
From humble beginning remains the very optimistic point of view of our Alma Mater. There is nothing greater than knowledge. By law, custom and belief Education must be afforded by the family and the government. An Obligation not a privilege. Education would always be the best tool for an individual to survive all his endeavors and ordeals also the most feasible way to change the world for in truth it is the only thing that cannot be taken from you.
This year and the fast coming ones are all but a transition. As hard as it is to predict what will happen that should not be taken as a hindrance to continue our service to the community and the world. In fact all must do its best as situation worsens. The main goal is to move forward and go forth educational continuity under Flexible or Blended Form of Learning.
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Alma Mater
You built the foundation for my future
You draw my faith to the Lord our Savior
You gave the great things in my nature
You made me see the better future S.I.T.
I’ll spread my wings, like an eagle fly
I will soar the sky reach the clouds up high
Glide over the seas with such an ease with confidence
Our beloved, Alma Mater
We shed our tears of joy
Our beloved, Alma Mater
We salute you with great joy
Solis Institute of Technology
We Hail your victory!!!
(Repeat I Refrain & Chorus)
We are grateful for this night
For our teacher’s efficiency
For our parent’s resiliency
God Bless you all … To God I Pray
(Repeat Chorus)
Solis Institute of Technology, We hail your victory
Academic freedom is practiced and Family type of administration is observed. Professors who are Masters and Doctors from their own fields all are very capable to carry out the well founded belief of the Chairman for a very rigid, adaptable, disciplined but comfortable education. Students are happy and relaxed they are very helpful and obedient. Making our School wear its pride for their good nature ways.
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Inspired by the hardships in life and of not having a nearby School, this Institution for almost three decades now strives to provide education within the vicinity of Bulan and its nearby islands in its affordable manner;
The School’s philosophy of education permeates the passion to hold forth educational service, sensitivity to the community and develop the character of a true Solisian value and trait.
Every Individual will have the opportunity to strengthen their knowledge and abilities in their chosen program that would help shape their future. They will learn to appreciate their own personality and character by freely expressing their idealisms, beliefs and perspectives. This is a venue of honing students to be the best versions of themselves otherwise recognize it.
Conventional or traditional a strong root of any student but an advocate of liberal minds for progress and reform. A balanced foundation is what makes the system of learning a success in all ends. Diversity channels opportunity for creative thinking, improved performance and other basic skills if perceived righteously. It is of great importance to support their creative minds and to not deprive every individual to act on their true self as they develop to be more tamed, proper, and diligent as they pursue higher education not discount the fact that they become their own individual to serve best their fate, goals and the community.
A Team that is committed to work together in reaching the optimum goal if not the shared common ground at the least to be as efficient and effective to the academic needs in the most reasonable manner. This community nurtures, teach, inspires, help and lead one another. Our Team our Family.
* Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime -- Chinese Proverbs
* Education is the only treasure that no one can take away from you.
* Nothing is impossible in the eyes of God. --Luke 1:37, The Bible
* “Daig ng malaking humakbang ang mabilis tumakbo.”-- Founding Father Jose G. Solis (SIT, Foundation Day 15 January 2013) Translate (A big leaper is better than a fast runner)
* Invest in yourself by eagerly and continuously learning everyday.
* In order to truly help others, help yourself first and make yourself whole.
* Poverty is never a hindrance for education.
* Hindi importante and magandang silid-aralan dahil kahit pa sa ilalim ng puno pwede matuto ang isang estudyante basta gusto nito matuto at may tiyaga ang magtuturo.
* Education is a good weapon you can use for a brighter future.
* There is always a solution to every problem.
* The more you learn the more tamed you become.
* Serve others as if they are kings & queens.
* Always do your best in whatever you do.