Academic Programs which are available here at SIT are the :
Baccalaureatte Courses such as BS-CRIM (Bachelors of Science in Criminology), BSBA (Bachelors of Science in Business Administration majors in Lega Management, Marketing & Human Resource Management), BSed (Bachelors of Secondary Education major in Filipino & English), BEEd (Bachelors of Elementary Education).
Junior & Senior High School - Basic education which are developed by means of fulfilling a standard academic guideline given by the DepED for High School and CHED for College. This is in preparation for their future endeavor and how they can b globally competitive.
Academics are everday teaching basis inside their classroom or in field. Examinations, quizzes, projects, assignments and other kind of exposures in terms of how a student can manage to ovrecome time management, pressure, how they can discover and develop their intellectual capabilities.

Focused in the study of the Legal Environment Business Administration encompasses a merged of corporate and social responsibility and sustainability which can lead to entrepreneurship, finance, accountancy, banking or the area of supervision or managerial field. It can be a ground for Law. The Business is usually the most flexible and if not the general course of those students who are not yet sure what to take perhaps one of the safest.
One of the most noble courses to study. Besides Criminology Education is by far the most famous course especially in the provinces. We have 2 Programs in this departments 1. BEED (Elementary) 2. BSED (Secondary) with two majors Filipino and English. A board course which have admission and retention policies like Criminology. Growing number of Students go to this Institution.
A study of Law and enforcement it defines crime, penology and social behaviors. It has a reforming role in the studies of Criminal Justice System to provide a better solution in dealing with the criminality in the surroundings. Common goal of students who study this course is to become a policeman next would be a fireman or a soldier. A few of them goes to the academe or pursues law.
CHS NC II from previous assessment had a 100% passing rate and we have the most number of students granted with Private Education Student Financial Assistance (PESFA) scholarship within our vicinity. As guided by TESDA we are now currently in migration towards CSS Computer service software for compliance then application.
Grades 7-10 for Junior and Grades 11-12 for Senior with Scholarship Grants from DepEd ESC and SHS Voucher program with the Senior High School. Available Strands as per provisional certification are HUMSS, STEMS, ABM, TVL.
Reserve Officers' Training Corps (Philippines)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Reserve Officer' Training Corps (ROTC) in the Philippines is one of three components of the National Service Training Program, the civic education and defense preparedness program for Filipino college students.[1] ROTC aims to providemilitary education and training for students to mobilize them for national defense preparedness.[2] Its specific objectives include preparation of college students for service in the Armed Forces of the Philippines in the event of an emergency and their training to become reservists and potential commissioned officers of the AFP.
Graduates of the ROTC advance program serve in all branches of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. In 2008, ROTC graduates of the officer candidate schools of the various services constituted roughly 75% of the AFP officer corps.[3] The ROTC grants qualified student-cadets scholarship benefits through a merit-based incentive program in return for an obligation of military service in the reserve force, or active duty in the AFP if given the opportunity, after graduation.
ROTC student-cadets attend college like other students, but also receive basic military training and officer training from the branch of service that handles their school's ROTC unit. The students participate in regular ROTC instruction during the school year (one school year for Basic ROTC student-cadets and three school years for Advance ROTC cadet-officers), and extended training activities during the summer, such as the ROTC Summer Camp Training (RSCT) and the Advance ROTC Academic Phase Training (ARAPT).
ROTC units in colleges and universities are organized through the Department of Military Science and Tactics (DMST) which is under joint supervision by the school administration and the Department of National Defense. These ROTC units are in turn managed by active duty officers of the AFP and the reservist organization representatives of the major services, the Philippine Army Reserve Command of the Philippine Army, the Philippine Navy Reserve Command of the Philippine Navy and the Philippine Air Force Reserve Command of the Philippine Air Force.


A Student Athlete must be aware on how to balace and give his full time as a student and extra time as an athlete. This is possible in an educational institution such as ours who support the need for exposing students in competitive sports. This is to promote their health, discipline, camaredire, skills, sporstmanship and competitiveness. This encourages student to be active participants not only inside but outside the Solisian community. It prepares them to be more knowledgable of different customs and surroundings as they say Schools have their different norms.
In order to provide good quality athetes they will undergo rigid training and screenings. Some of our players, members and those who give honor and prestige most especially who are champions of a certain event will be placed in the hall of famer and or will be given Athlete Scholarship but must be guided with the policies.
Athletics Department is guided by ARTICLE IV SOLISIAN BOARD OF COMMITTEES Sec. 4 HEALTH and the TSA group. See Solisian HandBook.

The Institution sponsors services and programs to the students by supporting them in exploring their talents, creativity, passion, arts, writing, acting, singing and others through scholarship grants by the management and even student council as guided by the provisions of the Solisian Handbook and the general norms of the community. There are different organizations which helps develop their prowess like the College CSC (Central Student Council), and High School SGO (Student Government Organization) as well as the Department Student Officers. Publications and newsletter writing is also a venue for extending a good relationship, information and acknowledgement for all Departments. See Art. 6 Sec. 1 J.O.S.E. Journal of Solisian Environment as amended from Educators.
We let them showcase there abilities through competitions, gatherings, big events even guesting. For further guidelines the P.E.G. Committee under ARTICLE IV SOLISIAN BOARD OF COMMITTEES Sec. 6 Presentation, Events & Gatherings. See Solisian HandBook.